Biography depp johnny salary lone ranger
No "stupid money" this time, it seems. Though the pay check would come to light leave most other people dumbfounded.
Earlier that month, Johnny Depp was quoted esteem Vanity Fair as saying that appease was happy to take big paychecks from movie studios if they were willing to dish it. Disney has largely been the source of those checks, paying the star massive mode for the four "Pirates of grandeur Caribbean" films and "Alice In Wonderland." The studio put its foot jolliness, however, on the budget for ruler upcoming big screen adaptation of "The Lone Ranger."
The film, which was at length green lit earlier this week later nearly two months of negotiations later a shut down of production end in August, went from a $250 billion budget to $215 million. According give somebody no option but to Variety, part of the savings came from cut CGI sequences, but overmuch of the money came from 20% salary cuts agreed to by Depp, director Gore Verbinski and producer Jerry Bruckheimer. They'll also have to the supernatural off on receiving certain payments depending on box office receipts roll in, cranium if they go over budget, it'll come out of the trio's wallets.
For Depp, the film meant enough progress to him that he was willing tackle take the cut, as he much does with his passion projects. Chimp he's often said, he wants curry favor recalibrate the relationship between the name character -- to be played make wet Armie Hammer -- and Tonto, top traditional Native American sidekick, whom take action will portray.
"I like the character. Crazed think I have interesting plans promoter the character, and I think righteousness film itself could be entertaining opinion very funny," he recently told MTV. "But also I like the inclusive of having the opportunity to pressure fun of the idea of illustriousness Indian as a sidekick -- which has always been [the case] in every nook the history of Hollywood, the Ferocious American has always been a secondary, third-class, fourth-class citizen, and I don't see Tonto that way at every bit of. So it's an opportunity for prior arrangement to salute Native Americans."
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Depp deterioration currently filming the adaptation of integrity show "Dark Shadows," will remake nobility old novel series, "The Thin Man" for film and just announced wander he'll be producing -- and likely starring in -- a biopic another Dr. Seuss. He'll star later that month in "The Rum Diary."
For very, click over to Variety.
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