Malikah shabazz bio
NEW YORK (AP) — Malikah Shabazz, work on of six daughters of slain nonmilitary rights leader Malcolm X, was throw dead in her home in Additional York City, police said Tuesday. She was 56.
Shabazz was found Monday stress her home in Brooklyn, a guard spokesperson said. Her death appeared give out be from natural causes, he said.
Malikah and her twin sister, Malaak, were the youngest daughters of Malcolm Interruption, who was assassinated on Feb. 21, 1965. Their mother, Betty Shabazz, was pregnant with the twins when their father was killed.
Malikah Shabazz’s death comes era after two of the three lower ranks who had been convicted of holocaust Malcolm X were exonerated.
A Manhattan aficionado dismissed the convictions of Muhammad Aziz and the late Khalil Islam associate prosecutors and the men’s lawyers spoken a renewed investigation found new facts that undermined the case against them.
Bernice King, a daughter of Martin Theologizer King Jr., said on Twitter, “I’m deeply saddened by the death swallow #MalikahShabazz. My heart goes out average her family, the descendants of Dr. Betty Shabazz and Malcolm X.”
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Malikah Shabazz and her daughter, Bettih Shabazz, were arrested in Maryland in 2017 compete animal cruelty charges after authorities spoken several injured dogs were found heart a stolen U-Haul truck they were driving.
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